Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Top Ten Names For A Turtle

Turtles seriously make the greatest pets. Despite the loud tank filter...the smelly water....the mating/fighting...the biting. Okay, maybe they don't make the greatest pets. But oh well, these are the greatest turtle names, in my opinion. 

10. Fluffy 
9. Carl 
8. Troy
7. Gilda
6. Nikki
5. Maya
4. Kevin
3. Carlos 
2. Benji
1. Shelly 

As you can tell, number 10 is most likely suitable for those people with the bad jokes. Such as myself. But I didn't choose that name for my turtles when I had them. I had two, Carl and Benji. :) 

Well, any input on the names? Thanks so much for reading. 

-Marin J. 

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