Thursday, August 12, 2010

Top Ten Reasons To NOT Get A Cat

Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE cats. I'm definitely a cat person. But there are some downsides to getting them. I recently got two baby kittens, and I love them to death, but let me tell you, they are a hannndfulll. Anyways, if you're thinking of getting a cat, consider these reasons not to:

10: They tear apart curtains. My brand new aqua curtains now look like pleated pants.
9: They keep you up at night biting your arms and fingers. Whenever you twitch, there they are, clamped on again.
8: They have a litter box. And then track the litter all over the floor.
7: They climb everything. Even the screen door. And then fall off and hurt their leg.
6: You can't play Scrabble without them jumping on the board and messing up your words. (Of course, you can buy the travel version where the letters snap on. That would be the way to go.)
5: They've got razor sharp teeth.
4: You can't eat without them jumping on you like fleas.
3: They chew on your hair and knead your shoulders at night as they fall asleep. It hurts and tickles at the same time.
2: They have very shrill voices which I'm almost positive could pierce an eardrum.
1: They get their own poop on their head and face. Yes, that actually happened this morning to my kitten, Sid.

Despite all of this, however, they are truly wonderful pets. All this stuff is worth having a little baby kitten around. Because all of the cute stuff makes up for (and passes) the bad stuff.

-Marin J.

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